University of Liverpool
University of Liverpool


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University of Liverpool  Location

North England

University of Liverpool


University Ranking




North England


Graduate Loyalty Advancement Scholarship
Scholarship Name Graduate Loyalty Advancement Scholarship
Academic Year 2025
Scholarship amount Up to £2,500

Completed your undergraduate degree at the University of Liverpool and thinking of progressing to postgraduate study with us? You could get a loyalty discount of up to £2,500 off your postgraduate tuition fees from the 2025/26 academic year.


Receive up to £2,500 off your postgraduate tuition fees.

  • £1,500 tuition fee discount for eligible UK University of Liverpool graduates.

  • £2,500 tuition fee discount for eligible international University of Liverpool graduates.

The discount applies to the total programme fee. All tuition fee discounts are capped at 50% of the relevant fee. 

If you're a part-time student, you'll receive the discount pro-rata across the duration of your course, at an equivalent ratio to the payment schedule for your tuition fees.

Eligibility criteria

The University of Liverpool Graduate Loyalty Advancement Scholarship rewards the loyalty of our current undergraduate students and alumni who progress to a postgraduate taught master’s course with us.

This includes Study Abroad and Exchange students and students from Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University.

To receive this scholarship you need to be either:

  • an alumnus or alumna of the University of Liverpool, having completed your undergraduate degree at the Liverpool campus.

  • returning for further study having previously studied as an undergraduate exchange student on the Liverpool campus.

You must also be:

  • joining a postgraduate taught master’s course, including MRes programmes, at our Liverpool campus from September 2025. It doesn't matter if you'll be studying full-time or part-time. 

We're unable to offer you this scholarship if you’re:

  • registered as a student with the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine.

  • transferring to the University of Liverpool from partner institutions where an alternative fee payment or scholarship arrangement has been made.

  • studying online.

  • having your tuition fees paid by a sponsor, such as a government, commercial organisation or employer, on your behalf.

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