University of Leeds
University of Leeds


University of Leeds  Ranking



University of Leeds  Location

North England

University of Leeds


University Ranking




North England


Alumni Bursary
Scholarship Name Alumni Bursary
Academic Year 2025
Scholarship amount 10% of tuition fees
Nationality Any

Graduates of the University of Leeds are entitled to a 10% bursary on tuition fees.

Who is eligible?

To be eligible you must:

  • Have previously studied at the University of Leeds at an undergraduate or postgraduate level, and this includes incoming study abroad students and graduates of the SWJTU-Leeds Joint School. See the later section further down this page to find the small number of previous courses that are not eligible for the alumni bursary.

  • Be registering for an award leading to a postgraduate qualification (with the exception of the Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)).

  • Be self-financing for at least part of the cost of your tuition fees. You are deemed to be self-funding if you have support from a friend or relative, or if you are receiving a postgraduate loan from the UK government.

  • Have commenced your studies from September 2016 onwards. The bursary cannot be awarded retrospectively.

The University will review the bursary annually and reserves the right to vary or withdraw this bursary at its sole discretion but changes will not be applied retrospectively.

You must advise the University if at any time (before or after you register on your course) you obtain funding for your tuition fees from sponsors whether this is paid directly to the University or to yourself as a contribution to your tuition fees.

A sponsor is an employer or other industry or business sponsor, government, research council, charity or other third party organisation. If you are found to be in breach of your commitments, in any way have not acted in good faith, or have not responded fully or accurately to a University request for information, the University is entitled to immediately suspend a bursary. It may also then recover the 10% previously paid.

How much is it worth?

The University will pay 10% of the self-funded portion of your tuition fees. The bursary will not be applied in the overtime (writing-up) period for research degree students, taught students who are re-sitting examinations or student visitors registering and undertaking miscellaneous study.

The alumni bursary can be awarded in conjunction with other University of Leeds scholarships and awards.

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