Keele University
Keele University


Keele University Ranking



Keele University Location

Central England

Keele University Keele University


University Ranking




Central England


The Advanced Entry Scholarship
Scholarship Name The Advanced Entry Scholarship
Academic Year 2025
Scholarship amount £3,000
Nationality Any

The award

The Advanced Entry Scholarship is awarded to enrolled undergraduate international students who exceed the published entry requirements on entry and who start their studies at Keele University part way through their undergraduate degree (after the first year).  

Awards of £3,000 will be awarded towards the tuition fee for the year of entry for students who exceed published entry requirements. 

If a weighted average module mark of 60-69% is achieved from the modules studied in any subsequent year of study, then a payment of £1,000 will be awarded towards the following year’s tuition fee. If a weighted average module mark of 70% or more is achieved from the modules studied in any subsequent year of study, then a payment of £2,000 will be awarded towards the following year’s tuition fee.


  • Enrolled undergraduate international students who exceed the published entry requirements (as per the website for the year of entry) will automatically be awarded the scholarship as a tuition fee discount.

  • Enrolled undergraduate international students accepted at or below the published entry criteria will be awarded a £1,000 scholarship and then they would follow the yearly assessment as outlined above. 

  • Only students who are starting studies at Keele, having studied at a different institution, are eligible for this award.

  • Only self-funding international students are eligible and you must be confirmed as an overseas student for fee paying purposes. The scholarship is not open to students who are in receipt of funding from external bodies such as local Government, charities or private organisations

  • The Scholarship is for full-time undergraduate students who will be based at Keele University and start their studies in September 2025. The award cannot be used for any other year of entry.  


The scholarship is not available for students on the following programmes:

  • Medicine programmes

  • Programmes delivered through the Harper and Keele Veterinary School

Students transferring from one programme at Keele to another programme at Keele are not eligible for this award.

The scholarship is not available for students studying top-up degrees.

The scholarship is not available for students studying fully online courses delivered by Keele. 

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