Aberystwyth University
Aberystwyth University


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Aberystwyth University Aberystwyth University


University Ranking






International Accommodation Award
Scholarship Name International Accommodation Award
Academic Year 2025
Scholarship amount £2,000
Nationality Any

Whether studying a Bachelors or a Masters, all international students are eligible* for our International Accommodation Award.

We are delighted to provide international fee-paying students with our International Accommodation Award. This award means that for students who choose to live in our on-campus Cwrt Mawr blocks, the cost of housing is fully covered within their tuition fees at no extra cost.

This housing Scholarship is applicable for the duration of the taught element of your studies if you are studying a Bachelors degree, Masters degree or a Foundation course. In some cases PhD students may also be eligible.  

We have plenty of availability, however, a room in Cwrt Mawr is not guaranteed, and is allocated on a first-come first-served basis, both for new and returning students. Students must apply for accommodation by the stated deadlines to be eligible for a room.  

The University offers a variety of accommodation buildings, but the housing scholarship is applicable only to Cwrt Mawr. All other accommodation options are charged at full price. 

Our Cwrt Mawr accommodation is mainly available to international students, though it is not exclusively reserved for them. International students who book Cwrt Mawr can expect to share with mostly other international students.

All on-campus rooms include the cost of utility bills, Wi-Fi, and free Platinum gym membership at the University’s Sports Centre.  

All on-campus rooms are single occupancy, meaning you will need to find alternative private accommodation in town if you plan to live in Aberystwyth with family members or other dependants. 

If you are a current student who started your course before September 2025, you will still qualify for the £2,000 discount for the duration of your course.

Terms and Conditions

  • BSc Nursing students are not eligible to receive the International Accommodation Award. 

  • The International Accommodation Award is only available for students paying international tuition fees.  

  • Whilst we will make every effort to accommodate all international students, room allocation is on a first-come, first-served basis and rooms on campus are not guaranteed. 

  • Bachelors students will be able to live in their allocated room for 39 or 40 weeks per year. If staying in Aberystwyth between academic years, alternative accommodation on campus, or in private accommodation elsewhere, is necessary over the summer months between June and September when the next term begins.  

  • Masters students will be able to live in their allocated room for 50 weeks. If they wish to stay in Aberystwyth for longer, they must find alternative accommodation on campus or in private accommodation elsewhere.  

  • Eligible PhD students will be able to live in their allocated room for 50 weeks per year. There will be two weeks in September where they must find alternative accommodation on campus or private accommodation elsewhere. 

  • In order to choose and secure a room through the Accommodation Portal, students must have accepted their offer of study, and paid their tuition fee deposit if asked to do so. Students must familiarise themselves with the University’s deposit policy before making a payment. This deposit makes up part of the tuition fees.  

  • There is no housing on campus for students with dependants (family members). All rooms on campus are single occupancy only. Therefore, students planning to travel with dependants will need to find private accommodation in Aberystwyth town and will not be eligible for the International Accommodation Award. Find out more about private accommodation available.  

  • PhD students will only be eligible for the International Accommodation Award if they meet all the conditions below:  

  • The student is self-funding at least 50% of their tuition fees i.e. they are not in receipt of another scholarship covering more than 50% of their tuition fees. 

  • The student will be paying for their own living costs i.e. they are not receiving any stipend for their living expenses. 

  • The student is not bringing any family or dependants with them. 

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