Oxbridge FAQ

Common Oxbridge Questions

A shortlist of the most frequently asked questions on applying to study at Oxford or Cambridge. For more information about applying at undergraduate or postgraduate level, arrange a free consultation in Hong Kong today.

Conditional offers at A-level range between A*A*A and AAA depending on the subject. Students of the International Baccalaureate are usually required to achieve a level of performance of 38–40 points.

No. It is not possible to apply to both Oxford and Cambridge in the same admissions round.

Candidates are judged by how well they can think for themselves academically, and how exciting a prospect they would be to teach.

Economics at LSE and Economics and Management at Oxford are among the best for getting a job in financial services, but generalisations can mislead. King’s College London is the largest centre for healthcare education in Europe and London Business School offers the best MBA.

Yes, because the colleges are very different. For example, some take in far more international students than others.

No, the universities are going to huge lengths to widen access to candidates from non-Oxbridge backgrounds.

The general rule is that they are not more expensive than other UK universities. Most undergraduate courses are £9,250 a year for EU students and £12-15,000 for international students. Some courses do cost more, such as Medicine.

An MBA at the London Business School will cost £64,200.

Without exception. You will need to succeed at interview to be offered a place.

Your samples of written work, reference, aptitude test scores and personal statement make the most difference.

An IELTS score of at least 7.0 is required.

Unfortunately we cannot, but we will do our very best.

Studying in the UK

SI-UK's service is fast, reliable and efficient - their consultants are specialists, working closely with all UK universities; through my consultants' advice, and application assistance I was able to get offers from top ranked universities.

Carla Termini King's College London, Accounting and Finance

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