University of Wales Trinity Saint David
University of Wales Trinity Saint David


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University of Wales Trinity Saint David


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Postgraduate Scholarship for Ukrainian Students
Scholarship Name Postgraduate Scholarship for Ukrainian Students
Academic Year 2024

Ukrainian students can apply to study a Masters in Global Citizenship and Sustainable Leadership on the University’s Lampeter Campus. All costs for postgraduate tuition, accommodation and pre-sessional language classes will be covered by UWTSD for 16 successful applicants.

The Masters course is broadly built around the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, and will prepare students to critically engage with the key global challenges of the 21st century, to become global citizens and leaders of tomorrow.

Kath Griffiths, UWTSD’s International Regional Manager says: “Student scholarships and bursaries make it possible for students, who might not be able to otherwise, to attend university, including those facing difficulties due to the war in Ukraine.

“We strive to be a haven for students who are displaced, offering a refuge in Wales, and do everything we can to help students feel settled and at home on our Lampeter campus.”

UWTSD has already welcomed several students from Ukraine onto the programme at the start of the current academic year, and is delighted to re-open the scholarship scheme for the upcoming year.

One of last year’s scholarship recipients, Valeriia Piven, who worked as a PR manager in Ukraine before arriving in Lampeter, says: “I cannot thank the university enough for their support during this hard time, and also to the people of Lampeter. This scholarship has given me the chance to help rebuild the future of Ukraine when I am able to return home.”

For Valeriia, Lampeter is “a refreshing location and somewhere where you instantly feel comfortable and part of the community. It is a place with constant activity. Everyone has welcomed me with open arms which has been overwhelming.”

“I’m so impressed with the history of this magical place,” she continues. “Every corner has a unique story that is historically important.” Lampeter is the birthplace of Higher Education in Wales, where, 200 years ago, the University’s historic campus was the first place in the country to welcome students.

Now, UWTSD is a global university, with links to many institutions around the world and a thriving community of international students. Prospective international applicants can find more information on the website.

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